How can Statutory Liability insurance help?

Despite best intentions, there may be times where you need to attend court due to an unintentional accident. Sometimes accidents happen which cause you to breach an Act, and you may be liable for a fine.

If you are found to be legally liable for the unintentional breach of an Act, we will pay for the fine as a result of this, up to your policy limit.

  • Acquittal

    If you need to attend court due to a perceived breach of an Act and are found to not be liable for this, you won’t need to pay an excess and we will reimburse any defence costs you have already paid.

  • Advancement of defence costs

    If you are required to attend court to defend your legal liability, we will advance your defence costs to you as and when they are incurred.

  • Defence costs

    You can choose to have your cover extended to cover any defence cost which is otherwise excluded under the policy but involves a charge under Section 9 of the Law Reform Act 1936.

Every business is unique, so give us a call on 0800 500 231 to discuss the best insurance options for you.

NZ's Most Trusted General Insurer

You can trust New Zealand’s Most Trusted General Insurer to protect your small business.

Policy Document

This page is only a summary of key benefits, and application for cover is subject to underwriting acceptance. For full details, exclusions and limitations, please read the policy document.

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Call us on 0800 500 231