Your refund
AA Insurance is committed to doing the right thing. We're currently contacting customers we’ve identified as being entitled to a refund.
If you’ve received an email or letter from us about your No Claims Bonus or Policy Loyalty Reward refund, click the blue button below to enter your bank account details for payment. You’ll need your policy number ready and can find this top right of the email or letter you’ve received.
If you’ve received multiple emails or letters, you’ll need to repeat this process for each policy number being refunded.
Your data is secure.
Your security is important to us. AA Insurance will never ask you for passwords or PIN numbers. We use end-to-end encryption to ensure your data is safe. The collection and retention of your bank account details are for refund purposes only. Your policy details will not be updated. This portal only works for customers eligible for either a No Claims Bonus or Policy Loyalty Reward refund.
We’re here to help.
If it’s easier or you have questions, call our dedicated refund team to provide your details on 0800 080 841 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday.
For more information about your refund, you can also visit or