How can Back in Business insurance help?
Back in Business Insurance covers those situations when accidental damage prevents your business from operating. There are different levels of cover you can choose from.
Gross Profit
If accidental damage affects your premises, we’ll help you get back on your feet by covering the reduction of your business income and the increased cost of working while repairs are taking place.
Increased cost of working
We’ll cover the reasonable increased costs of working if your premises have been damaged. This may include the costs of marketing activity to let your customers know you’ve temporarily changed address while your business is getting back on track.
Reinstatement of records
We’ll cover your costs, including legal fees, to replace or restore damaged business records. The most we will pay is 10% of the sum insured shown on your policy schedule.
Claim preparation costs
If you need professional advice to quantify the value of your claim, we’ll cover the reasonable fees charged by a chartered accountant, solicitor or other professional consultant.
Every business is unique, so give us a call on 0800 500 231 to discuss the best insurance options for you.
Please note, in order for you to claim under Back in Business insurance, the damaged property at the premises must be insured under our Business Contents and Stock or Portable Contents and Stock insurance.
NZ's Most Trusted General Insurer
You can trust New Zealand’s Most Trusted General Insurer to protect your small business.
Policy Document
This page is only a summary of key benefits, and application for cover is subject to underwriting acceptance. For full details, exclusions and limitations, please read the policy document.