How can Employee Theft insurance help?
Sometimes people can surprise you, and not always in a good way. If an employee violates your trust by stealing money or goods belonging to your business, you can rest assured we’ll help you get back on track.
Theft of your money or goods
We will cover you up to your sum insured if your employee steals money or goods belonging to your business.
We will also provide cover for theft which is committed by an ex-employee if it occurs within 30 days of an employee’s employment agreement ending with you.
Social Club
If an employee steals money which belongs to or is held in a trust by any social or sporting club which benefits your employees, we’ll pay you up to the sum insured.
Every business is unique, so give us a call on 0800 500 231 to discuss the best insurance options for you.
NZ's Most Trusted General Insurer
You can trust New Zealand’s Most Trusted General Insurer to protect your small business.
Policy Document
This page is only a summary of key benefits, and application for cover is subject to underwriting acceptance. For full details, exclusions and limitations, please read the policy document.