AA Member Discount
AA Member Discounts are available to AA Insurance customers who tell us about their eligible AA Membership when taking out a new eligible policy or renewing an existing eligible policy.
Read our full terms and conditions (‘AA Member Discount T&Cs’) below to find out more about important exclusions and limitations, including:
How much is the discount? See Clause 1 and 6 for current rates and how we apply them.
Rates vary from $5 to $60 per annual term based on tenure and policy type – see below.
How will I be eligible? See Clause 2 for the full criteria.
This includes that applicable Membership and policyholder names must match exactly.
What insurance policies does this apply to? See Clause 3 for a list of policy types.
Many policies issued by AA Insurance are currently eligible – see list below.
Which AA Membership types get the discount? See Clause 4 for included Memberships.
Currently, all personal Memberships.
What do I need to do to get the discount? See Clause 5 for what you need to tell us and when.
In summary, you need to tell us your AA Membership number and join date each time you take out a new policy and on renewal, unless a discount shows on your renewal notice.
What else do I need to know? See below including Clause 7 for other important terms. Previous discount terms & conditions can be found here.
AA Member Discount T&Cs
AA Member Discount. Our annual AA Member Discount rates from 28 January 2025 are shown in the tables below. How we apply them is explained further in Clause 6. The AA Member Discount can apply to each Eligible Policy you have – there is no maximum. The amount you save each year may also increase the longer you have an Eligible AA Membership.
AA Member Years
Comprehensive Car
Third party
Third party Fire and Theft car
Limited Contents
Pleasure Craft
1 to 4
5 to 9
10 to 14
15 to 19
AA Member Years
Public liability
Statutory Liability
Comprehensive Commercial Vehicles
Third Party/Third Party Fire & Theft Commercial Vehicle
Business Contents & Stock
Portable Contents
Back in Business
Equipment Breakdown
Deterioration of Stock
1 to 4
5 to 9
10 to 14
15 to 19
Eligibility Criteria. You will be eligible for an AA Member Discount on an AA Insurance policy if all of the following Eligibility Criteria are met:
a) You are taking out or renewing an Eligible Policy (see Clause 3)
b) A named policyholder on the Eligible Policy also holds an active Eligible AA Membership under an identical name (see Clause 4)
c) At the time of taking out or renewing the policy (or within a grace period of 21 days after the new term commences), you have given us the correct AA Membership number and join date for the applicable Membership – when and how you need to do this is explained below (Clause 5).
Eligible Policies. Eligible Policies currently comprise the following policy types issued by AA Insurance Limited (‘AA Insurance’), when sold directly by AA Insurance or the New Zealand Automobile Association Incorporated (‘the AA’):
Comprehensive Car Insurance
Third Party Car Insurance
Third Party, Fire & Theft Car Insurance
PleasureCraft Cover Insurance
Home Insurance
Landlord Insurance
Contents Insurance
Limited Contents Insurance
Small Business, Public and Products Liability
Small Business, Commercial Vehicle Insurance
Small Business, Business Contents and Stock Insurance
Small Business, Portable Contents and Stock Insurance
Small Business, Statutory Liability Insurance
Small Business, Back in Business Insurance
Small Business, Equipment Breakdown Insurance
Small Business, Deterioration of Stock Insurance
Note: Some policy types may no longer be available to new customers, however existing policy holders can still be eligible for the AA Member Discount if renewing.
Eligible AA Memberships. Eligible AA Memberships currently comprise active personal AA Memberships taken out with the New Zealand Automobile Association Incorporated (‘the AA’).
What you need to do: This clause explains when you need to give us the AA Membership number and join date for an applicable Membership, and how you need to do that. Tip: Use the policy holder with the longest Eligible AA Membership tenure to ensure you get the highest available discounts. Clause 6(b) explains.
a) New policies. You will always need to give us the applicable AA Membership number and join date when taking out a new Eligible Policy – even if you already have another policy with us and receive an AA Member Discount or have otherwise given Membership details to us before.
b) Renewing policies. There is nothing you need to do on renewal if your renewal notice shows an AA Member Discount has been applied to the new term. Otherwise, you will need to contact us to let us know applicable Membership details. You also need to do this if you want to give us details for a longer tenured Eligible AA Membership than what we have on file.
Please note that if the most recent AA Membership details given to us for a policy do not or no longer meet the Eligibility Criteria, we may choose to not apply the discount to any further renewal. However, you can contact us with updated Eligible AA Membership details at any time.
Tip: In addition to checking renewal notices, you can also check the discounts you are receiving on your policy documentation or online at My AA Insurance. The AA Membership details we have and amount of discount may not be available here, but you are welcome to contact us to confirm what we have on file.
Discount Application. This clause explains how we apply an AA Member Discount. a) Premium reduction. AA Member Discounts are fixed sum amounts deducted from the total annual premium due for a policy (inclusive GST).
They are not transferable or redeemable for cash.
The discount can apply in addition to other promotions we may run, subject to its terms.
b) AA Membership Tenure. Discounts are based on the length of time an AA Membership has been held at the start of a new policy or at the renewal of an existing policy, using the join date you provide us or any later join date that may be advised to us by the AA.
Where more than one policyholder has an active Eligible AA Membership, the discount that applies will be for the most recent Membership given to us by a policyholder. If another policyholder has a longer tenure, you are welcome to update us with their Membership details and we’ll apply any higher discount amount from your next renewal. Make sure to mention all Eligible Policies this applies to.
On any renewal, if the AA has advised us of a later join date for your Membership than you have provided to us, we may choose to apply any lower applicable discount rate. Premiums as shown on any policy notice we have sent you will not change, but this may affect further renewals.
Tip: You can contact us to check which Membership details we may have on file for your policy.
c) Commencement. The discount will be applied effective from the start date of a new policy or at the renewal of an existing policy, and where the eligibility criteria in Clause 2 are met. This means the discount cannot commence part way through the term of an existing policy or apply retroactively (outside any applicable grace period) to any policy.
d) Adjustments. Discounts applied to a policy will be pro-rated if that policy does not run for a full 12 month policy period for whatever reason (e.g. cancellation mid-term).
The balance of the originally applied discount may be deducted from any premium refund owing to you (inclusive GST).
e) AA Membership changes. If the AA Membership of any policyholder becomes inactive part way through a policy term, there will be no change to any discounts already applied or to discounts in any renewal offer we have made.
However, if you are renewing, unless a discount is showing on your renewal notice, the Eligibility Criteria in Clause 2 will need to be met to receive an AA Member Discount. If the most recent Membership given to us for a policy became inactive, you may need to provide us with new details.
You can request a change to the Membership details we have on file at any time by contacting us.
f) AA Member Discount T&C changes. If we update these AA Member Discount T&Cs, there will be no change to discounts already applied or to discounts in any renewal offer we have already made.
However, depending on the updates, this may mean that when renewing or taking out a new policy, you are no longer eligible for a discount and you may need to contact us with updated information.
Discount rates are also subject to change or discounts may no longer be offered. Before you renew or take out a new policy, you should therefore check the current version of these AA Member Discount T&Cs.
Other important terms.
a) When these terms apply. These AA Member Discount T&Cs apply to AA Member Discounts from 28 January 2025 and apply whether you are taking out a new policy or renewing an existing policy. They may be changed from time to time without notice, so ensure you check for the current version and discount rates before you take out or renew any policy with us.
b) Other terms with us. These AA Member Discount T&Cs are separate and additional to any other terms and conditions that may apply to our relationship, including for example those related to other promotional offers, use of our website and our insurance policies.
If there is a conflict between any part of these AA Member Discount T&Cs and the terms and conditions of any insurance policy you have with AA Insurance, the terms and conditions of your AA Insurance policy take precedence.
c) Responsibilities and liability. We will endeavour to cross-check our own information about your AA Membership with the AA to confirm eligibility, however it is ultimately your responsibility to provide us with correct Eligible AA Membership details for each policy, and to let us know of relevant changes.
AA Insurance will not be liable for any loss of discount benefits or other consequence resulting from the details you provide being out of date, inaccurate or otherwise. We will also not be liable for any change to these AA Member Discount T&Cs.
We are also not responsible and accept no liability for any breach by the AA or its partners of its obligations to you in respect of AA Membership programmes.
However, nothing in this clause or these AA Member Discount T&Cs limits your minimum statutory consumer rights (including under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993), or where it may otherwise be unlawful to do so.
d) If there is a problem. It is possible that, despite our efforts to apply AA Member Discounts in accordance with these AA Member Discount T&Cs, your discount is not applied correctly. If you did not receive a discount when you believe you were entitled to one (or received a smaller discount than you expected), we encourage you to contact us and we’ll try to make it right. You are also entitled to exercise any other legal rights you may have, including by making a claim against us.
e) Privacy. We will collect, hold, use and share personal information about you in connection with the AA Member Discount pursuant to our standard privacy terms and subject to the Privacy Act. Our standard privacy terms are available online.
For this discount, this includes that AA Insurance, and the AA may share, receive and use personal information about any policyholder or Member relevant to and for the purpose of verifying eligibility including names, contact information, date of birth, gender, and length and type and status of AA Membership. Where you provide us with Membership information for another policyholder, you represent that you have obtained their consent to these privacy terms. For information the AA may collect, hold, use and share about you, refer to their privacy policy.
Multi Policy Discount
AA Insurance is stopping the Multi Policy Discount.
From 28 January 2025, the Multi Policy Discount is no longer available on new or renewing policies.
Where a Multi Policy Discount is currently applied, this discount will remain on the policy until the policy's next renewal date from 28 January 2025 onwards, or until the policy is cancelled or replaced from 28 January 2025 onwards.
From 28 January 2025, customers should be aware that certain mid-term changes (e.g. changes in payment method or frequency, and cover type) cannot be made without our systems issuing a new policy which will not have the Multi Policy Discount applied to it. Before making any mid-term changes, please contact our team who can provide further details of what this means for you and your premium as individual circumstances may vary.
NB: The Multi Policy Discount used to apply when a customer had more than one risk across combinations of Car, Home or Contents and eligible Small Business Insurance (where eligible Underwriting Guidelines were met).
Previous discount terms & conditions can be found here.
Multi Policy Discount T&Cs
Important note: AA Insurance is stopping the Multi Policy Discount. From 28 January 2025, the Multi Policy Discount will not be available on any new policies and will be removed on the renewal of any existing policy.
1. Eligibility Criteria. You will be eligible for a Multi Policy Discount on an AA Insurance policy if all of the following Eligibility Criteria are met:
a) You take out or renew an Eligible Policy (see Clause 2) on or prior to 11:59pm on 27 January 2025. From 28 January 2025 the Multi Policy Discount will not be available on any new policies and will be removed on the renewal of any existing policy.
b) A named policyholder on that policy also holds, or is taking out at the same time, another Eligible Policy under an identical policyholder name and with the same mailing address
c) When taking out or renewing the policy (or within a grace period of 21 days after the new term commences), you give us the policy number of the other Eligible Policy – when and how you need to do this is explained below (Clause 3).
2. Eligible Policies. Eligible Policies currently comprise the following policy types issued by AA Insurance Limited (‘AA Insurance’), when sold directly by AA Insurance or the New Zealand Automobile Association Incorporated (‘the AA’):
Landlord Insurance
Home Insurance
Contents Insurance
Limited Contents Insurance
Comprehensive Car Insurance
Third Party, Fire & Theft Car Insurance
Third Party Car Insurance
Caravan/Trailer Insurance
Motorcycle Insurance
Classic Vehicle Insurance
Motorhome Insurance
Small Business, Public and Products Liability
Small Business, Commercial Vehicle Insurance
Small Business, Business Contents and Stock Insurance
Small Business, Portable Contents and Stock Insurance
Small Business, Statutory Liability Insurance
Small Business, Back in Business Insurance
Small Business, Equipment Breakdown Insurance
Small Business, Deterioration of Stock Insurance
Small Business, Employers Liability Insurance
Small Business, Employee Theft Insurance
Note: Some policy types may no longer be available to new customers, however existing policy holders can still be eligible for a Multi Policy Discount on those policy types if renewing on or prior to 11:59pm on 27 January 2025.
3. What you need to do: This clause explains when you need to give us the policy number of another Eligible Policy, and how you need to do that.
a) New policies. You will always need to give us the policy number of another Eligible Policy when taking out a new Eligible Policy – even if you already have one or more other Eligible Policies with us and whether or not you already receive a Multi Policy Discount on any existing policies.
b) Renewing policies. There is nothing you need to do on renewal if your renewal notice shows a Multi Policy Discount has been applied to the new term. Otherwise, you will need to contact us to let us know an Eligible Policy number.
Please note that if you are not eligible for a discount on renewal but one is shown on your renewal notice, we may still choose to not apply the discount upon any further renewal unless you meet the Eligibility Criteria again.
Tip: In addition to checking renewal notices, you can also check the discounts you are receiving on your policy documentation or online at My AA Insurance.
c) How to contact us. See our ‘Contact’ page for how to get in touch.
Tip: Have your policy documentation handy so that we can help you find policy numbers.
4. Discount Application. This clause explains how we apply a Multi Policy Discount.
a) Premium reduction. The Multi Policy Discount is a 10% discount off the annual premium for a standard policy. It does not apply to additional premiums for any policy extensions or optional benefits. We may choose to apply it after the application of any other applicable promotions. It does not apply to government levies or GST.
The discount applies to each Eligible Policy where you have met the Eligibility Criteria. There is no maximum to the number of Eligible Policies it can apply to.
The discount is not transferable or redeemable for cash.
b) Commencement. The discount will be applied effective from the start date of a new policy or at the renewal of an existing policy, and where the eligibility criteria in Clause 1 are met. This means the discount cannot commence part way through the term of an existing policy or apply retroactively (outside any applicable grace period) to any policy.
c) Adjustments. Discounts applied to a policy will be pro-rated if that policy does not run for a full 12-month policy period for whatever reason (e.g. cancellation mid-term).
d) Changes to the policies you hold.
If you are renewing a remaining active policy, until 11:59pm on 27 January 2025 unless a discount is showing on your renewal notice, the Eligibility Criteria in Clause 1 will need to be met to receive a Multi Policy Discount. You may need to provide us with details of another Eligible Policy.
You can request a change to the details we have on file at any time by contacting us.
e) Mid-term changes. Certain mid-term changes (e.g. changes in payment method or frequency, and cover type) cannot be made without our systems issuing a new policy which, from 28 January 2025 will not have the Multi Policy Discount applied to it. Before making any mid-term changes, please contact our team who can provide further details of what this means for you and your premium as individual circumstances may vary.
5. Other important terms.
a) When these terms apply. These Multi Policy Discount T&Cs apply to Multi Policy Discounts on policies effective from 28 January 2025 and apply whether you are taking out a new policy or renewing an existing policy. They may be changed from time to time without notice, so ensure you check for the current version and discount rates before you take out, renew or make any changes to any policy with us.
b) Other terms with us. These Multi Policy Discount T&Cs are separate and additional to any other terms and conditions that may apply to our relationship, including for example those related to other promotional offers, use of our website and our insurance policies.
If there is a conflict between any part of these Multi Policy Discount T&Cs and the terms and conditions of any insurance policy you have with AA Insurance, the terms and conditions of your AA Insurance policy take precedence.
c) Responsibilities and liability. We will endeavour to cross-check our own information about policies you hold for the purpose of this discount, however it is ultimately your responsibility to provide us with correct information about other Eligible Policies, and to let us know of relevant changes.
AA Insurance will not be liable for any loss of discount benefits or other consequence resulting from the details you provide being out of date, inaccurate or otherwise. We will also not be liable for any changes to these Multi Policy Discount T&Cs.
However, nothing in this clause or these Multi Policy Discount T&Cs limits your minimum statutory consumer rights (including under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993), or where it may otherwise be unlawful to do so.
d) If there is a problem. It is possible that, despite our efforts to apply Multi Policy Discounts in accordance with these Multi Policy Discount T&Cs, your discounts are not applied correctly. If you did not receive a discount when you believe you were entitled to one (or received a smaller discount than you expected), we encourage you to contact us and we’ll try to make it right. You are also entitled to exercise any other legal rights you may have, including by making a claim against us.
e) Privacy. We will collect, hold, use and share personal information about you in connection with the Multi Policy Discount pursuant to our standard privacy terms and subject to the Privacy Act. Our standard privacy terms are available online.
For this discount, this includes that AA Insurance and our group partners may use your personal information relevant to and for the purpose of verifying eligibility including: names, contact information, date of birth, gender, and details of other AA Insurance policies. Where you provide us with information for another policyholder, you represent that you have obtained their consent to these privacy terms.
No Claims Bonus Benefit
A No Claims Bonus benefit is available on Comprehensive Car Insurance policies which qualified for the ‘Guaranteed No Claims Bonus for Life’ benefit on or before 26 September 2015 and have remained active up until today.
On your Comprehensive Car Insurance policy schedule, you will see the following underneath the ‘About your vehicle’ section:
Your No Claims Bonus guarantees that the premium on this policy will not increase as a result of any claims you make. This applies for the life of this policy, provided the policy is for Comprehensive Car Insurance.
In summary:
What is the No Claims Bonus benefit? See Clause 1 for the benefit and Clause 4 for how we apply it.
The No Claims Bonus benefit prevents a direct premium increase which may occur as a result of making a claim – details below. All other premium considerations are not included and your premium may increase over time for other reasons.
If you have a Comprehensive Car Insurance policy and previously qualified for the benefit, then your policy must remain active to keep this benefit.
If you cancel your policy, but later decide to reinsure with AA Insurance under a Comprehensive Car Insurance policy, it must be within 30 days to continue receiving this benefit.
Which insurance policies are eligible? See Clause 2 and 3 for more detail.
The No Claims Bonus is available on Comprehensive Car Insurance policies which qualified for the ‘Guaranteed No Claims Bonus for Life’ benefit on or before 26 September 2015 and have remained active up until today. See Clause 2 and 3 for more detail.
This benefit is not available to new AA Insurance customers or on new policies.
What else do I need to know? See below including Clause 5 for other important terms.
Read our full terms and conditions ('No Claims Bonus T&Cs') below to find out more about important exclusions and limitations.
No Claims Bonus T&Cs
The benefit. The No Claims Bonus benefit prevents a direct premium increase as a result of a claim on a Comprehensive Car Insurance policy, regardless of the number of claims made.
Eligible Policy type. A No Claims Bonus benefit is only available on Comprehensive Car Insurance, issued by AA Insurance Limited (‘AA Insurance’), when sold directly by AA Insurance or the New Zealand Automobile Association Incorporated (‘the AA’).
Eligibility Criteria. Your Comprehensive Car Insurance policy will be eligible for a No Claims Bonus benefit if it qualified for the ‘Guaranteed No Claims Bonus for Life’ benefit on or before 26 September 2015 and has remained active up until today (‘Eligible Policy’).
In order to have originally qualified for the ‘Guaranteed No Claims Bonus for Life’ benefit, you and any drivers added to your policy would have held a Restricted or Full NZ driver licence or equivalent overseas licence for five or more consecutive years, and have had no events for five or more consecutive years immediately prior to being added to the policy, subject to the terms and conditions set out in clause 4 (‘Eligibility Criteria’).
For your policy to have remained active up until today, you must have held active Comprehensive Car Insurance continuously, excluding a gap of up to 30 days in scenarios where your policy was replaced following your vehicle being sold or written off in a claim on the policy.
Benefit Application. This clause explains how we apply the No Claims Bonus benefit.
a) Premium application. The No Claims Bonus benefit prevents a direct premium increase as a result of a claim being made on an Eligible Policy.
It does not apply to additional premiums for any policy extensions or optional benefits or other pricing considerations independent of claims history. We may choose to apply it after the application of any other applicable promotions. It does not apply to government levies or GST.
The benefit applies to each Eligible Policy where you have met the Eligibility Criteria.
The benefit is not transferable or redeemable for cash.
b) Policy application. This benefit only applies to the policy that originally qualified for the benefit and cannot be added to another policy.
You will only receive the benefit for the time that you are an AA Insurance customer.
c) Policy cancellation. If your policy has been cancelled, for example as a result of a claim or your car has been sold, it must be replaced with another Comprehensive Car Insurance policy within 30 days or you will no longer receive the benefit.
If your policy has been cancelled as a result of non-payment, you will no longer receive the benefit.
d) Changes to your policy. We reserve the right to reassess the eligibility of the No Claims Bonus benefit in our sole discretion if you update the main driver on your policy or change your policy cover from Comprehensive to Third Party Fire and Theft or Third Party. This may mean your No Claims Bonus benefit will be permanently removed, as No Claims Bonuses are no longer offered.
e) No Claims Bonus T&C changes. If we update these No Claims Bonus T&Cs, there will be no change to benefits already applied or to any benefits in any renewal offer we have already made.
However, depending on the updates, this may mean that when renewing or taking out a new policy, you are no longer eligible for the benefit and you may need to contact us with updated information.
Benefit rates are also subject to change or benefits may no longer be offered.
Before you renew or take out a new policy, you should therefore check the current version of these No Claims Bonus T&Cs.
Other important terms.
a) When these terms apply. These No Claims Bonus T&Cs apply to the No Claims Bonus benefit from 22/11/2021. They may be changed from time to time without notice, so ensure you check for the current version before you take out or renew any policy with us.
b) Other terms with us. These No Claims Bonus T&Cs are separate and additional to any other terms and conditions that may apply to our relationship, including for example those related to other promotional offers, use of our website and our insurance policies.
If there is a conflict between any part of these No Claims Bonus T&Cs and the terms and conditions of any insurance policy you have with AA Insurance, the terms and conditions of your AA Insurance policy take precedence.
c) Responsibilities and liability. We will endeavour to cross-check our own information about policies you hold for the purpose of this benefit, however it is ultimately your responsibility to provide us with correct information about other Eligible Policies, and to let us know of relevant changes.
AA Insurance will not be liable for any loss of benefits or other consequence resulting from the details you provide being out of date, inaccurate or otherwise. We will also not be liable for any changes to these No Claims Bonus T&Cs.
However, nothing in this clause or these No Claims Bonus T&Cs limits your minimum statutory consumer rights (including under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993), or where it may otherwise be unlawful to do so.
d) If there is a problem. It is possible that, despite our efforts to apply the No Claims Bonus benefit in accordance with these No Claims Bonus T&Cs, your benefit and any applicable benefits are not applied correctly. If you did not receive a benefit when you believe you were entitled to one, we encourage you to contact us and we’ll try to make it right. You are also entitled to exercise any other legal rights you may have, including by making a claim against us.
e) Privacy. We will collect, hold, use and share personal information about you in connection with the No Claims Bonus benefit pursuant to our standard privacy terms and subject to the Privacy Act 2020. Our standard privacy terms are available online.
For this benefit, this includes that AA Insurance and our group partners may use your personal information relevant to and for the purpose of verifying eligibility including: names, contact information, date of birth, gender, and details of other AA Insurance policies. Where you provide us with information for another policyholder, you represent that you have obtained their consent to these privacy terms.
Other Discounts
We may offer other types of discounts from time to time. Refer to the relevant offer for specific applicable terms and conditions.
Unless otherwise stated, all discounts quoted are correct at time of publication and are subject to change. Discounts do not apply to Government Levies. The advertised discount may apply in part, or not at all, if your premium is below our minimum level.