There are a few reasons why this error message may display:
You aren't the main policy contact.
For security purposes, only the main policy contact can report a claim online. This is usually the person who first set up the policy. If you're not sure who the main policy contact on your policy is, or you want to change it, simply contact us. -
The policy number used to report your claim is incorrect or is not a comprehensive car, home, contents or landlord policy.
These are the only policies you can report a claim online for at this time. -
Your details do not match how they appear on your policy schedule.
You'll need to enter your first name, last name and the postcode of your postal address as they are held against the policy you are claiming on. Those details can be found on your latest policy schedule.
If you're still not able to report your claim online, you can call us on 0800 500 216 and we'll help lodge your claim over the phone.