Natural Hazards Insurance (NHI) and Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) levies
The Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake* (NHC) Natural Disaster Fund and Fire and Emergency New Zealand are both funded via Government levies. Insurance companies, like AA Insurance, include these levies in the premium you pay and they’re passed on to the NHC and FENZ.
The Natural Hazards Insurance levy
The NHI levy helps to fund earthquake and other natural hazard insurance cover provided by the NHC. It’s included in your Home and Landlord insurance premiums and the exact amount you pay can be found in your policy notices.
Insurance type
NHI Levy per annum
Residential buildings
16c per $100 insured up to $300,000 (+GST)
*From 1 July 2024, the Earthquake Commission (EQC) changed their name to the Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake (NHC). Please be assured that the claim process remains the same and you can lodge all earthquake and natural hazard-related home claims with us directly.
For more information about the NHI levy and recent changes, please visit the NHC website.
The Fire and Emergency New Zealand levy
The FENZ levy helps to fund the services provided by Fire and Emergency New Zealand. It’s automatically included in the insurance premium of policies which provide cover against fire, such as motor vehicles (excluding Third Party Car Insurance policies), residential contents and residential properties.
From 1 July 2024, the Fire and Emergency levy has increased. As a result of this, your premium may change. The exact amount you pay can be found in your policy notices and is calculated as follows:
Insurance Type
FENZ Levy Per Annum (+ GST) before 1 July 2024
FENZ Levy Per Annum (+ GST) after 1 July 2024
Residential buildings
10.6c per $100 insured up to $100,000, maximum levy payable of $106.00
11.95c per $100 insured up to $100,000, maximum levy payable of $119.50
Residential contents
10.6c per $100 insured up to $20,000, maximum levy payable of $21.20
11.95c per $100 insured up to $20,000, maximum levy payable of $23.90
Motor vehicles (less than 3.5 tonne gross laden weight)
$8.45 (flat rate for each motor vehicle)
$9.53 (flat rate for each motor vehicle)
Other property i.e. contract works, motor vehicles more than 3.5 tonne gross laden weight
10.6c per $100 insured
11.95c per $100 insured
For more information please visit the FENZ website.
Frequently asked questions
You’ll find answers for many of your questions here. If you have a more specific question or want more detail, please contact us.
Concerned about the cost of your insurance?
Here are some ways to save on your premium
Check your contents sum insured – use the online calculator