WriteMark Plus
We’re working hard to earn the trust of New Zealanders. That means ensuring you can easily read and understand our insurance policies.
Why WriteMark?
In 2019 we completed a review of our personal insurance policies and decided it was time to simplify insurance. We set out to rewrite our policies in plain language to ensure our customers could easily read and understand their insurance. Working with Write Limited, we’re proud to now hold the WriteMark on our personal insurance policies.
Since then, we’ve continued our work towards simplifying our insurance policies and are proud to say that in 2022 we achieved the WriteMark Plus Plain Language Standard. This means that new or renewing personal insurance policy documents from 22 May 2022 have a high standard of plain language, and have also been tested with customers to ensure they’re easy to understand.
Who or what is WriteMark Plus?
WriteMark Plus is promoted and managed by Write Limited, New Zealand’s leading plain language consultancy. The WriteMark quality mark awarded to documents or websites that achieve a high standard of plain language. The WriteMark Plus includes user-testing with real readers as well as the usual elements-based assessment. Both quality marks give independent proof that the writing meets a high standard of plain language.
With our personal insurance policy documents now holding WriteMark Plus, you can be sure that they:
have been checked against rigorous independent criteria
have had feedback from real readers
are focussed on the needs of the intended audience
in short, are easy to read, understand, and act on.
Policy documents
From 22 May 2022, these documents all hold the WriteMark Plus. They set out what is and isn’t covered under your policy.