Phone number & email address:
To update the phone number and email address that we use to contact you, select the policy you want to update from your policy list, then Update your policy, and then Contact details.
If you'd like to update the mobile number that we send text notifications to, or the email address your policy related communications (including your policy schedules) are sent to, select the policy you want to update from your policy list, select Update your policy, and then Contact preference.
If you have more than one policy, you'll need to update each policy individually to ensure your details are correct.
To update the email address you use to log into My AA Insurance, please contact us.
To update the location of where your car is parked, select the policy you want to update from your policy list, select Update your policy, and then Contact details.
If you need to update the residential address for your home, landlord or contents policy, please get in touch so our team can help update your cover.
To update your postal address, select the policy you want to update from your policy list, select Update your policy, and then Contact preference.
If you have more than one policy, you'll need to update each policy individually to ensure your details are correct.